
Strengthening Your Request for Compensation in an Insurance Claim

Posted on behalf of Peter T. Nicholl in Personal Injury Published on May 27, 2020 and updated on March 7, 2022.

strengthening a compensation claimAfter being injured in an accident, you may be wondering if you will be compensated for your losses. In order to obtain compensation, an insurance claim will need to be submitted. An experienced lawyer could guide you throughout the claims process, but there are also certain actions you can take to help make your claim stronger and increase the chances that your request for compensation will not be denied.

Our Maryland personal injury lawyers discuss some of these actions below. An initial consultation to review your claim is 100 percent free. There is no risk in calling us and no obligation to hire our firm.

Document Everything About the Accident

Make sure that you document everything about the accident while it is still fresh in your mind. Your memory of what happened and how it happened could fade over time. It is also important that you gather as much evidence as possible if you are physically capable or have someone else do it for you. Evidence at the scene can be removed shortly after the accident. Ways to preserve evidence include:

  • Reporting the incident to the police if involved in a motor-vehicle accident or to a property owner if you slipped and fell on the premises and obtaining a copy of the report filed
  • Taking photographs of the accident scene, any visible injuries, property damage, etc.
  • Recording the location of the accident and the events that led up to you suffering an injury
  • Getting contact information from any party involved and anyone who witnessed the accident
  • Identifying a business or property in the vicinity that may have video surveillance of the accident

Having this information documented could help determine liability and strengthen your insurance claim.

Inform Your Doctor About Your Pain

Another important step to take is seeking medical care. Not being seen by a medical professional or delaying the visit will likely have a negative impact on your claim. The insurance company may say it is a pre-existing injury, your injury is not as serious as you claim or your injury is not linked to the accident.

Be sure to mention all of the pain you are experiencing to your doctor. He or she will document this information in your medical records, which can be used at a later date to help establish the full extent of your injury. Aside from your physical pain, your medical records will contain your diagnosis, a detailed description of how you were injured, test results, doctor’s notes, and your treatment plan.

Follow Any Treatment Plans

A treatment plan will show the limitations you have and the instructions for recovery issued by your doctor. If you fail to follow the recommend treatment plan, the insurance company may question the validity of your claim. They could argue that you caused your own injuries or that your injuries became worse and therefore, should not be responsible for covering your injury or damages.

This is why it is in your best interest to maintain your doctor’s appointments, take any prescribed or over-the-counter medications and avoid doing activities that your doctor tells you not to do.

Do Not Lie About the Extent of Your Injuries

Nothing can affect an insurance claim more than false testimony. Be honest about the extent of your injuries. Accident victims may think that embellishing or exaggerating their injuries could lead to more compensation, but that is not the case. It is not only fraudulent, but illegal to do so.

An insurance company will often hire a private investigator or search for evidence to verify the truthfulness of a claim. Being honest about your injuries up front will only help strengthen your claim.

Keep an Injury Journal of Your Limitations

Settling a claim can take some time, especially if the insurance company is not convinced of your injury or cannot come to an agreement on the compensation amount. Keeping an injury journal allows you to record any pain and suffering you have experienced since the accident and its impact on your daily life.

This could include your physical pain, mental ailments (depression, anxiety, fear), medications you are taking, issues with sleeping or eating, as well as being unable to do certain activities you once enjoyed.

Our Lawyers Are Ready to Offer Assistance

If you need help with your claim, reach out to one of our licensed lawyers at Peter T. Nicholl Law Offices. We are prepared to fight for your rights and represent your best interests every step of the way.

Request a free consultation to get started. We operate on a contingency fee basis, so you pay us nothing up front unless we are successful in helping you obtain the compensation you need.

Speak with a member of our legal team today. 410-244-7005.